Tournament Rules

Rules of Play

  • Each team is guaranteed a minimum of 4 games unless weather dictates otherwise or a team drops out of the tournament at the last minute.
  • Games will run on a central clok & horn from the main tent. Games begin promptly every 30 minutes.  All games will be on a 25 minute running clock with no time-outs permitted.  Award presentation will begin after division games are completed.
  • No stick checks, no captain's meeting.  Choose a side.
  • Only head and assistant coaches with tournament ID badges are permitted on the sideline with the players.  8U coaches are NOT permitted on the field during play.
  • Head coaches must report to each field marshal @ the end of their game to sign-off on the score.  The 2 teams with the highest # of points in each division will play in the final game. (3 points = WIN;1 point = TIE; 0 points = LOSS)
  • Tie Breaking System:
    • Tier 1 - Head to Head. If the 2 teams reaching the championship are tied w/points AND they have played each other during their 4 game schedule, the team who won the game earlier in the day will advance to the championship game. If the 2 teams HAVE NOT played each other during the day or their game ended in a tie, the decision will proceed to the next Tier.
    • Tier 2 - The team w/ the lowest total number of goals allowed for all assigned games will play in the championship game. (This system is to reward good defense.)
    • Tier 3 - The team w/ the lowest total number of goals scored for all assigned games will play in the championship game. (This system is to encourage friendly competition, but not at the cost of running up the score.)
    • Championship Tie - US Lacrosse overtime rules will apply if the Championship game ends in a tie during regulation play.
  • All decisions by officials are final.
  • Any coach/player issued a red card for misconduct and/or unsportsmanlike behavior will be removed from further tournament participation for the gay and possible future tournament participation as well.


Division Specifics

This tournament will be officiated by USA Lacrosse Youth Girls Lacrosse Rules with adaptations agreed upon by the Southern Maryland Tri County girls' lacrosse entities. For complete youth rules for each age group, please see the Documents tab, 2023 Spring Important Information Folder and select the Age Rules Comparison Sheet.  Each Coach is responsible for understanding the playing rules for his or her team's division.  Below are modifications/clarifications for this tournament.

  • 8U - NO CHECKING.  No score will be kept.  One completed pass anywhere on the field.
  • 10UNO CHECKING.  One completed pass anywhere on the field after goalie clear.
  • 12U - MODIFIED CHECKING.  One completed pass anywhere on the field after goalie clear.

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